Monday, November 19, 2012

Weekend up and baking gif advice

As you all know I just spent my weekend in Las Vegas with my family! The weekend was over in the blink of an eye, I was busy almost every minute this weekend! Right when I arrived I dropped off little Sophie, got her situated and then went right to the Breaking Dawn premiere with my mother, sisters, and my sister's best friend Taylor. Talk about getting your mind blown with a twist, geez! You bet the entire theatre had something to say about it...
I not only saw Breaking Dawn once this weekend but twice, compliments of my friend Bailey who had an extra ticket for me on Friday night! Also this weekend my sister and I did a charity walk for Safe House! Safe House is a shelter for abused women and children, I've been working on different programs with them since I was in 5th grade!
The last official Vegas thing we did was take our Nunes family Christmas pictures. Now every single year before we take pictures someone cries, EVERY YEAR! So this year we were doing just fine until the car ride to Portrait Innovations. All morning my mom had been telling my little brother AJ to brush his teeth. While we're in the car my sister Ana, who was sitting next to AJ, said, "Ew your breath stinks!!" Then my mother calmly asked, "Aj did you brush your teeth?" He answered very slowly, "No, I forgot." My mother then just exploded, "ANTONIO NUNES, I ASKED YOU A MILLION TIMES THIS MORNING TO BRUSH YOUR TEETH!! Fine no computer time for you today." Then he burst into tears about 15 minutes before our appointment for pictures. Classic Nunes family moment. One year my mother sent out a picture with my sister crying...that was a great year. Once we got to Portrait Innovations AJ pulled it together, here's a sneak peak of what you should expect from this years photos!
Now let's talk about the upcoming Thanksgiving holiday...BEST DAY EVER!! Thanksgiving would be my favorite holiday if we didn't eat the same dinner on Christmas, plus open presents, plus my mom's birthday is on Christmas day. This year for Thanksgiving my family is coming to eat with me in my apartment! I'm only 18 and already hosting Thanksgiving geesh! Aside from the food one of my favorite parts of Thanksgiving is the Macy's Thanksgiving day parade. Broadway performances, the Rockettes, and so many huge balloon characters, how could you not love it?! Well I hope that you all have a fabulous Thanksgiving, spend lots of time with your family, and eat until you can't eat anymore!!
Some tips about baking for this holiday season, remember that this is not how you properly fold eggs into your batter...
Happy Thanksgiving,

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