Monday, November 19, 2012

Weekend up and baking gif advice

As you all know I just spent my weekend in Las Vegas with my family! The weekend was over in the blink of an eye, I was busy almost every minute this weekend! Right when I arrived I dropped off little Sophie, got her situated and then went right to the Breaking Dawn premiere with my mother, sisters, and my sister's best friend Taylor. Talk about getting your mind blown with a twist, geez! You bet the entire theatre had something to say about it...
I not only saw Breaking Dawn once this weekend but twice, compliments of my friend Bailey who had an extra ticket for me on Friday night! Also this weekend my sister and I did a charity walk for Safe House! Safe House is a shelter for abused women and children, I've been working on different programs with them since I was in 5th grade!
The last official Vegas thing we did was take our Nunes family Christmas pictures. Now every single year before we take pictures someone cries, EVERY YEAR! So this year we were doing just fine until the car ride to Portrait Innovations. All morning my mom had been telling my little brother AJ to brush his teeth. While we're in the car my sister Ana, who was sitting next to AJ, said, "Ew your breath stinks!!" Then my mother calmly asked, "Aj did you brush your teeth?" He answered very slowly, "No, I forgot." My mother then just exploded, "ANTONIO NUNES, I ASKED YOU A MILLION TIMES THIS MORNING TO BRUSH YOUR TEETH!! Fine no computer time for you today." Then he burst into tears about 15 minutes before our appointment for pictures. Classic Nunes family moment. One year my mother sent out a picture with my sister crying...that was a great year. Once we got to Portrait Innovations AJ pulled it together, here's a sneak peak of what you should expect from this years photos!
Now let's talk about the upcoming Thanksgiving holiday...BEST DAY EVER!! Thanksgiving would be my favorite holiday if we didn't eat the same dinner on Christmas, plus open presents, plus my mom's birthday is on Christmas day. This year for Thanksgiving my family is coming to eat with me in my apartment! I'm only 18 and already hosting Thanksgiving geesh! Aside from the food one of my favorite parts of Thanksgiving is the Macy's Thanksgiving day parade. Broadway performances, the Rockettes, and so many huge balloon characters, how could you not love it?! Well I hope that you all have a fabulous Thanksgiving, spend lots of time with your family, and eat until you can't eat anymore!!
Some tips about baking for this holiday season, remember that this is not how you properly fold eggs into your batter...
Happy Thanksgiving,

Thursday, November 15, 2012

Another day in the life...

This is the second time I'm writing a post in one week, crazy town I know. Well let me tell you that I have quite the day ahead of me. Today I'm meeting with the ladies at Maven Talent to discuss the possibility of them representing me as my manager, or managers, I'm not entirely sure how that works. I'm so lucky have only be in LA for two months and already have a meeting with a manager! Hopefully it all goes well and they can help me book some big commercial work! I'd prefer a Garnier commercial...I mean my everyday hair flip is as good as Ariel's.
After my meeting with them I'm headed home to Vegas for the weekend! My first official act of the weekend will be attending the 10pm premiere of Breaking Dawn with my sisters and my mom. My sister's are both HUGE Twilight fans and my mother just goes along because she enjoys the fact that something in this world brings my sisters together in silent peace for two to three hours. After that my weekend will be filled with visiting friends, seeing a show at my high school, and of course spending time with the family. Home sweet home...
This morning my roommate and I met with the landlord for the new apartment that we're getting, it was glorious. She's so organized and easy to work with; unlike our current landlord who still doesn't know that I live here, or that we have a cat...not to mention the fact that we have two. So with that being said, the other day when I was home alone with the cats this woman knocked on the door. Being the kind person I am I answered thinking maybe she was a neighbor that needed help with something or whatever...NOPE. She said she was the manager.
As she introduced herself to me little princess Sophie ran right out the door, I grabbed her just in time so she wouldn't escape but was certainly seen by the manager. She asked if she could show our apartment to some people RIGHT NOW and I panicked and said, "yeahijustneedtoooummmcouldyouwaitlikkwelllll," very articulate I know. She said, "Oh we can give you a few minutes or whatever you need." "YESPERFECTTHANKYOU," I kind of screamed. Door slam. See at any other time I would've showed them no problem, however all of my stuff is in my room and the cats and the disposal is broken and no just no. So I called Jenny and after we formulated a plan to hide the cats in the closet and throw all my belongings out the window we decided just to tell her that I couldn't show the just say no. That went over surprisingly well, she said it was totally fine and that she knew it was short notice. *This is why you shouldn't withhold information from people, I don't say lie because we aren't lying...just withholding information.
Well I'm off to my meeting but before I leave you I want to show you a special video. If you aren't inspired by the holiday season yet then this will certainly get you there! Enjoy!
That's all for now,

Sunday, November 11, 2012

The week I've had...

What an interesting week I've just had, some ups but more downs  unfortunately. First of all little baby Sophie has needed to go to the Vet for the past two weeks and I've had to reschedule because of my work twice. Then finally the day of her appointment the Vet calls and says sorry they can't see Sophie today because the doctor left for the day...
The plus side to that is that I eventually got to take the little princess and she got a collar and a name tag! I went ahead and got the extremely girlie pink and purple because of the gender crisis we had the first two weeks together, she deserves it!

Yesterday was wonderful because I got to have brunch with my best friend Emma! We met in Silver Lake and if any of you have ever driven through silver lake before you'll know that the roads are extremely windy and TINY. Unfortunately on my way there I got lost and so I while driving I was focusing on the street signs then WHAM, I took some one's side mirror right off.
Nothing like this has ever happened to me before in my life, I felt sooo awful. So I pulled over and wrote my information on the back of a paper CD case and left it on his window. *The up side to this* When the guy called me this morning to talk about what happened he was sooo nice and totally understanding AND I got to see Emma moments later...
Now something negative that I deal with everyday is that little Sophie thinks that 6:30-7am is time to wake up and play. Right about that time everyday she gets up and walks all over my face meowing and purring a bit like this...
Annoying Cat
Well this week I went to see a taping of The Doctor's with my roommate's mom, she was picking me up at 7am because we needed to be there at 7:45. The night before Jenny and I had stayed up until 2am watching Friends and me crying about my lack of friends. The next morning I had no clue if my alarms even went off but there was little Sophie right on cue at 6:30. Normally I get so frustrated with her, but that day I couldn't thank her enough for being my personal alarm clock!
On Friday night I got booked to be an extra in a music video, I didn't know that name of the artist off the top of my head and then I looked her up...OH...MY...Taryn Manning, one of the actresses from Crossroads! "The lame Brittany Spears movie," you say. Yes that was my childhood and it is NOT lame..or at least it wasn't when I was 10. Taryn Manning such a kind humble person! She also told me that working with Brittany is the REAL deal, that she doesn't mess around...or at least she didn't at that point in her career.
So in case you didn't notice there was a theme to my post today, basically I had a rough week overall but I just have to focus on the positive things that come from it! I'm experiencing the beginning of my adult life right now and sometimes things are wonderful and other times they suck and I just sit on the couch and cry to my incredible roommate who has made this whole transition 100 times easier. I just need to keep being positive even when things seem to be going wrong. I'm in LA living my dream, how much better can it get?
Now before I go I will add a small part about the election, Jenny and I looked a little something like this when we heard the news...
Have a happy Sunday folks,

Friday, November 2, 2012

While seasons are changing...

It's the best time of year again, there is so much to be excited about! Halloween was only two days ago so now all the candy is on sale. Christmas decorations are starting to make their way onto the shelves, and my personal favorite No Shave November, when all the men are hairy and all the girls are wearing pants. Not to mention the fact that sweater weather is simply better weather. 
So this year was my first year of not trick or treating, I used to take my brother around the neighborhood every year but being here in LA means put a kink in those plans. Instead I dragged my poor tired from a long day at work because she has a big girl job roommate to our friends for a small Halloween bash. We took many beautiful photos as well...
From roomies to besties with a beautiful hallway moment! 

Lifeguard, Ghost Buster, and Who's that girl? It's Jess!

Watch out LA Jenny and Ashley are on the prowl for a new apartment and we will challenge you if we must. Do not stand in the way of the master baker cat ladies or you shall pay the price! We make a great team, Jenny browses the web and sends me her picks then I make appointments and see if they are worthy or not. We've been very fortunate so far and we've seen some beautiful places but nothing has screamed home yet. I'll be seeing two more places today so hopefully that's our place! We just need to walk in and feel it, sort of like this...

So another thing on my mind these days is guys, but I mean what girl isn't thinking about them? Last Sunday Jenny and I met our friend Robyn at The Griddle, and let me just tell you guys...the men working there are all so beautiful! The three of us carried on a conversation about our cats for a solid fifteen minutes but were interrupted by handsome men inviting us to comedy clubs and band performances. Not only are the servers perfect but the pancake I got looked just like this...

Could you imagine the poundage I would put on if I dated a guys who worked there...we can't even joke about that. I've already gained so much weight because my roommate and I are both stupidly good at baking, last night we were up until midnight working on the newest recipe of whoopie pies!
As far as living my dream goes I booked a student film that shoots at USC on Saturday! I'm really excited about this because it's going to be perfect for my reel and the part is so great! Slightly bitchy and a little dumb, but in the end you see that she has a great heart. It's perfect! I realize that I am so lucky to be out here in LA living my dream and making it happen for myself, it's all just a waiting game now. Waiting for a manager, waiting for an agent, waiting for my big break. I just have to be patient and it will all come in time.
I will now send you off with a gif from one of my favorite shows on TV right now, New girl. If you don't watch it then you need to start people! Tuesday nights at 9pm on Fox, is where you can catch this little beauty.
That's all for now folks,