Tuesday, May 14, 2013

This girl is on fire.

Hello Friends! I know it feels like forever since I last wrote, and it has really been, but I'M BACK and oh boy do I have a lot to share!
I shall begin with the crazy shenanigans of last night. Allow me to set the scene, it was just another casual evening in the NunesWise residence. We had just finished a delicious meal, Jenny made a healthy creamy pasta using carrot slaw, I whipped together a glorious salad with homemade croutons. We turned on Breaking Bad, season four episode like five or six, now for those of you who don't watch Breaking bad you need to understand something. This show is about the manufacturing of meth and all that comes with it, sooooo it's a definitely scary and we watch this show on the edge of our seat. Right as something scary is happening on the show like...
Outside of our kitchen window we hear and see...
Our immediate reaction was...
The transformer box right outside of our apartment has exploded...literally right outside the window in our kitchen. The events that followed involved our sweet little kitties running for cover under our beds, Jenny got really brave and decided to run over to the window, only for it to spark again causing her to duck and cover in the kitchen. All the power in our half of the building was out, air conditioning included. We went outside to see what was happening and our neighbors kept asking if we were okay, physically yes, mentally we'll never be the same. Someone had called the fire department to come down and take a look at it, this is when I scored this gem of a photo.
Needless to say last night a grown up lesson was learned, be prepared for exploding transformers.
In other news today I purchased my very first Kate Spade product, I am now a real woman. I scored this sweet little ring on a surprise sale! That's right ladies I said Kate Spade is currently having a surprise sale. I can't even wait for it to arrive!
Another awesome little update I have is that about a month ago I shot a Funny or Die sketch with Gerard Butler! I knew that I was booked to work background for a Funny or Die sketch but it was not until I was on set looking at the call sheet that I realized exactly who I would be working with, swoon. Here is the link to the sketch, it's pretty silly.
Now saving the best for last I must talk about my roommates new website! So my roommate Jenny is also my best friend, the big sister I never had, and my role model. We met at the most glorious theatre camp in the world, where I really looked up to her and was inspired by her outlook on life. Kate Spade, studio yogurt, and sweet potato fries, are just a few of the things that she's introduced me to since we've lived together! Well she has just started up a website for teenage girls called wise sister this is a place for teenage girls to get advice that will enrich their lives with more than tips on how to make out properly. She talks about nutrition, tell it like it is, be cultured, and inspiration. Young ladies go check this out right now, you'll be happy you did!
Well that's all the updates for now, I've gotta go film a few audition tapes now! I promise I'll write again soon!
P.S. The kitties say make good choices, say no to drugs.