Wednesday, January 9, 2013

Delayed New Years Post

Nine days into January and I’m just now writing about the New Year. Well congrats everyone, we made it through another year! The rumors of the world ending in 2012 proved to be untrue. Whew. Now for the official New Years resolutions, first and most importantly, I shall GET FAB ACTRESS BOD. It’s happening, ladies and gents Ashley Nunes and Jenny Wise will be getting their actress bod’s this year and we will be unfairly attractive women after that.
We will be the girls who rock in back...
This year I will read more, I’ve begun that with Mindy Kaling’s book Is everyone hanging out without me? (And other concerns) I like it, nope, love it. I love hearing everything that she has to say about her childhood, growing up, and becoming successful. The only part of her book that concerns me is when she says, “Don’t peak in high school.” She goes on to talk about how people who were losers in high school often do well in life and people who were popular and successful in high school go on to be losers in life. That terrifies me. High school was great to me, I had wonderful friends and I was a theatre major so I got to do what I love every single day. I just hope I didn’t peak yet.

Well maybe we didn't, we were kind of weird.
 I will not put a glass of water on my night stand at night because the cats will just knock it over at 7:30 every single morning. I’m switching to water bottles, this way when the knock it over I won’t care because it won’t make a mess.
 I will be THE best bridal consultant that David’s Bridal in Burbank has ever seen! I love, love, love my new job. All of the women there are so nice and everyone is looking out for everyone else, it’s really sweet. It’s also  a really happy  job which is what I need in my life, more happiness. I mean who wouldn't want to have a little bit of happy crazy bride in their life everyday?
Say yes to the dress with pockets for snacks
This year I will also be dating more guys. Not so many committed relationships but just some fun dating. I’m way too safe with my love life and I think that it’s time I let go and just see what comes of it. *Also side note my roomie Jenny has these cool Russian fortune telling cards, she read mine for the new year and they said that this year I will meet the love of my life* WHAT?! That’s crazy, I wonder where he is and what he’s doing right now.
Last but not least I want to be more like Audrey Hepburn, my own version of her obviously but I want nothing more than to be as classy and beautiful as she was. Also I WILL be the actress they use when they make the movie about her life.
Happy New Year,

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