Monday, January 28, 2013

The SAG Awards Experiance...

As all of you who religiously read my blog, follow me on instagram, or are friends with me on facebook know, I went to the SAG Awards yesterday! Man oh man it was one inspiring experience. I sat on the bleachers on the red carpet with Jenny's and now also my friend Johnny! The people sitting in front of us said that our commentary was hilarious and that we could be the new hosts of E! I couldn't agree more.
Ladies and gentleman Ashley Nunes and Johnny McKay
This was an amazing, crazy, wild, inspiring day! First we arrived at the USC parking structure around noon and we waited for them to shuttle us over to the Shrine Auditorium where the awards show was going to take place. Once we arrived we went through a very strict security screening, metal detectors galore! Then we were given some sweet goody bags with a water bottle, an issue of People magazine, mascara, lip gloss, and most importantly a bag of kettle corn. This was the most important part because as usual I forgot to prepare some kind of snackage not remembering that I was going to be there for a solid five hours. However once the celebrities started arriving my hunger was the last thing on my mind. Wow...okay so let's start with how beautiful everyone was. Those men are the red carpet were MEN. Tall, handsome, built, well dressed, well groomed. *Pardon me while I swoon* Let's not forget to mention all the beautiful women! They inspired me to stop eating crap and start running more...or at's a process but we'll get there. Here's an example of just a few of the lovely ladies I saw.
    Julianne Moore was like, "I'm sorry I can't come sign autographs I have to wait in line to be photographed."
Jennifer Garner has been one of my female idols since I was a child and 13 Going on 30 was released.
Ellie Kemper is a new actress idol I have, and she looked stunning in this dress!!
I will now share some hilarious stories from my time on the other side of the red carpet. First of all I must tell you about the three wonderful crying 12 year olds that were in front of us. THEY WERE THE BEST! Any time a celebrity would look over and see them crying the girls would just call their names and they HAD to rush over and sign autographs and take pictures with them! Thanks to these little girls I got a lot of wonderfully close celeb photos...

These are all good...but none of them could beat the fabulous photo I got of Darren Criss...

Thank you screaming crying girls. You rock.

Another hilarious red carpet moment was when Justin Timberlake arrived. My initial thought was, "Oh my god, this is like when I saw Britney Spears, my entire childhood is flashing before my eyes." Then before I could even begin to remember how fabulous it was that Jessica Biel wore a pink wedding dress on their big day. The woman next to Johnny and I exploded with, "IT'S JUSTIN TIMBERLAKE!!!!! OH MY GOD!!! JUSSSTTIIIIIIINNNNN COME HERE!!!" We couldn't help but burst into laughter, the best part of this is that it continued until Justin was right in front of us. Now some sad news, that woman did not get an autograph from Justin...but you bet those crying little girls in the front who weren't even an idea when NSYNC was around sure did.

More red carpet photos as I transition to another story.

An even funnier red carpet moment is when we tricked everyone into thinking that Spencer was a celebrity. Spencer is another friend of Jenny's who was lucky enough to be a PA for the day and have red carpet access yesterday. As he walked by on the red carpet yesterday Johnny and I began screaming, "OH MY GOD IT'S SPENCER SMITH!!!" Then everyone, kid you not, everyone began snapping photos of him as if he was the up and coming star on Glee. One woman actually yelled, "I GOT IT! I GOT THE PICTURE!!" 

I snagged this great photo of him!

The rest of the time Johnny and I plotted about how we were going to make our way to the red carpet next year, not sitting in the bleachers. We're thinking we got there because of a series that we star in which was picked up by hmmmm let's say Fox for now. It begun as a webseries that Jenny, Johnny, and I wrote, starred in, directed, and produced. Lena Dunham and Mindy Kaling style. Then every single network wanted to have it but we had to be very selective with who we went with. Then Fox gave us the funds to make the amazing show we have which is now nominated for best comedy series. We also made a pact to stop and wipe the tears of any crying little girls, it's only right.

Now I will post the rest of my red carpet photos for those of you who didn't see them on my instagram yesterday. I would like you to imagine some beautiful slow montage music in the background and you should scroll in slow motion.

 Yeah I picstiched it together there's only two, that's why I told you to scroll in slow motion.

Well I shall now leave you to ponder who was best dressed,

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